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35. you must select a person to teach others to do a job. which one of the following is the most important for youto consider in making you selection?

1)the person’s education

2)the person’s work experience

3)the quality of the person’s previous work

use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

training someone to do a job is an important task. it requires a good education, work experience, and skilled job performance. of these three requirements, i believe it is most important that apotential job trainer be judged on the quality of his or her previous work.

a person may be well educated, but not able to perform a job proficiently. a doctor may knowhow to treat childhood diseases, but not be able to train medical students to perform surgery. anaccountant may be able to balance a company’s accounts, but not be able to help the company’sexecutives invest their money.

a person may have a lot of work experience, but not be able to do the job well. time is not thebest measure of quality. a mother may spend 17-years raising her children, but not be able to trainyoung mothers to care for their infants. a typist may have typed ten-years worth of letters, butmay not type over 30 words a minute.

a person who does a job well is the one you want to be a trainer. i want to learn to fly a plane froma pilot who has faced a lot of mechanical problems in flight and never had an accident. i want tolearn how to make money from a billionaire not form a salaried investment broker.

as in all things, it is quality that we look for, not general knowledge or time spent in an occupation. iwant others to learn from the best, so they can be the best, too.

36. business should hire employees for their entire lives. do you agree or disagree? usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.

in some business cultures, it is the practice to hire workers when they are young and employ themuntil they retire. in other business cultures companies hire people to do a job and then fire themwhen they are not needed. to me, the important considerations in today’s economy is jobperformance: speed and change. loyalty is not a consideration.

today there is a lot of competition and we need to hire workers who can perform a task well. weneed to find skilled workers who can do a job without a lot of training. we need to match the jobto the worker, and, if the job changes, we change the worker.

because of this increased competition, we need to be able to produce our goods or servicesquickly. we need young people who are willing to put in long hours. we need young people whoare aggressive and will push themselves to do their job faster.

in order to compete, we have to be innovative. by changing our workforce frequently, we canbring in new ideas. we must constantly be looking for new ways to do new things. we need freshworkers with fresh points of view.

although a company’s loyalty to a worker and a workers loyalty to a company is a noble idea, it isnot practical today. skilled workers do not want to be tied down to one company; they want theflexibility to improve their opportunities. change makes the economy powerful.


法国留学新托福作文应变。新托福作文包括两个部分,一是综合写作部分,即integrated task,另一部分为独立写作部分,即independent task.

对于综合写作部分,由于考察的topic一定是一些academic topic,一般考生不会太熟悉,因此,考生在锤炼其听力和阅读的基本功的基础上,应集中强化突破在lecture里和reading 中记笔记的能力。尤其应注重对阅读文章结构和思路的清晰把握。听力材料一般都针对阅读文章的观点或细节进行反驳,反驳的切入点多为三点。 听力反驳的要点一般都在阅读材料中明确提及,一般不会涉及阅读中完全未涉及的细节。因此,在阅读做笔记的过程中,要读清的论证思路,这样在听听力时才能够有的放矢,在听力材料播放过程中准确抓住我们需要的细节并做简单的笔记。 在具体写作的过程中,注意以听力材料中反驳的要点为主线组织全文结构,每一个要点的阐述过程中注意与阅读中的相关细节或观点关联。各段落的结构及一些套路性的语言事先应该准备好。

对于独立写作部分,极其类似于老toefl中的twe. 该部分的写作特别应注重结构。开头段,中间段及结尾段落的常见结构及写法要很熟悉。在结构八股的同时,应避免文章内容的千篇一律。文章展开的理由和层次尽可能的要personal一些,尽量不要都去套用一些空乏的东西。 展开的层次和理由一定要有细节支持,细节可以是例子,解释,对比等。同时,文章的主题一定要明确,突出。动笔之前一定要花两三分钟把提纲事先列好。在内容充实的前提下,文章字数尽可能多写一些。最后,语言要做到多样。用词句式要多变。










托福考试作为一项英语语言能力的测试,其设置的目的,是为了考察一个希望到美国生活、学习的考生在语言上是否已经做好了充分的准备。从托福考试的题目设计来看,听力部分主要是围绕美国大学校园或者课堂的对话出题,阅读部分主要是围绕着简单的学术文章出题。考生如果能够通过这样的测试的话,一般被认为就具备了在美国学校生存下来的能力。在1987年以前,考生参加托福考试,不需要参加写作能力的测试。但是,美国各大院校普遍感觉到,即使在托福考试中发挥出色的考生,在撰写学校的论文时仍有较大的困难。这就要求在学生赴美留学之前,还要接受写作能力的考察。于是,ets(educational testing service)从1987年5月开始,在中国境内推出了twe(test of written english),也就是我们经常讲的托福考试的写作部分。



25 pr a person you know is planning to move to yourtown or city .what do you think this person would likeand dislike about living in your town or city? why? usespecific reasons and details to develop your essay.

a friend of mine from college is moving to my city, so i havebeen thinking about what she would and wouldn't like about it, i’d say the quality of life here, as far as fun and activities areconcerned, is very good. the quality of life isn't very good, though, in other important ways.

living in a lager city is exciting, but you pay a price for it. there are lots of interesting things to do, and good restaurants with food from around the world. there are museums, art galleries, and lotsof movie theaters. however. the crime rate is high, and people have to be careful about wherethey go at night. there's a lot of traffic most of the time, and finding a parking space can be aproblem. there are also a lot of people living here. sometimes it feels too crowded.

in a big city like mine, housing is very expensive. if costs a lot even if you're just renting anefficiency apartment. the good side is that there's a lot of choice about where you want to live andhow you want to live. you can find apartment of all sizes in different settings. houses of equalvariety are available for sale or rent.

if my friend likes the great outdoors, she might be disappointed. unfortunately, my city doesn'thave a lot of wide open green spaces, and there aren't a lot of trees on the streets. we're not nearthe ocean, and the mountains are a day's drive from here. still, we do have some natural areas. for example, we have a beautiful big park. it even has a lake in the middle that's used for iceskating in the winter. there’s a different kind of beauty in the city.

thinking about it, i suppose whether my friend likes my city will depend on whether or not she likesexciting places. i hope she likes a lot of variety as far as housing and activities are concerned. if shedoes, then this is the place for her.

26 ad it has recently been announced that large shopping center may be built in yourneighborhood. do you support or oppose this plan? why? use specific reasons anddetails to support your answer.

there would be both advantages and disadvantages to having a shopping center built in myneighborhood. one advantage would be the convenience. i would like to have all those storesclose by. shopping would be much easier and faster because i wouldn't have to drive greatdistances to get to the stores.

a shopping center would mean more choices, because there would be more stores selling differentproducts. i might have a movie theater nearby, because so many shopping centers these daysinclude movie theaters in their plans. most shopping centers also have restaurants and a foodcourt. that means a greater variety of places to eat in our area.

having a shopping center built in the neighborhood would also mean more jobs for thecommunity. initially, these jobs would be in the building of the center. later the jobs would be inthe stores, theaters, and food establishments.

of course, these would be some disadvantages, too. probably the biggest problem would betraffic. a lot of people would be coming to the shopping center. they’d drive through ourneighborhood to get to the center. in addition, if there wasn't enough parking at the center, theymight look for parking space near our homes.

a shopping center might also invite more crime into our neighborhood. parking lots after dark are abig temptation to robbers. they know people are there with money to spend. the shoppingcenter might also become a place where unruly teenagers would gather. this could cause trouble. our town would need a community center for them to go to instead.

on the whole, though, i think my neighborhood should support having a shopping center builthere, it would bring more variety to our shopping, give us the opportunity to amuse ourselves atmovies theaters and restaurants, and bring more jobs into the area.


学习无捷径,同学们所求的捷径在现实生活中如果没有练习的辅助,恐怕达不到既想的效果。不管是基础好的同学还是基础差的同学,考试前一定要积累一定量的练习,因为数量决定质量绝对是真理。 出国托福栏目为广大考生整理了《提高托福作文技巧:多写多练》,供各位考生借鉴,更多托福考试信息就在出国托福栏目。





























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