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?山丘上的约会》故事最精彩的部分在于两个素未谋面的人终于决定要见面了,让人紧张心跳的也正是这一刻,两人都从对方最高的期望出发,结局如何呢?作者采用了卡通化的造型,夸张地强化了故事中两个主角的差异,不论在身高或体态上都不同。很戏剧化的是,正当玲玲抬头猛往高处寻找将会从天而降的偶像时,男主角瓜瓜也正奋力地跳上山丘去赴约呢!作者运用书本竖立时的直式版面,营造出男女主角见面时的“震憾”画面,令人拍案叫绝!故事中的主角虽然都是田墅里常见的动物,但两者的外形、习性截然不同,所以见面的过程充满了典范英语读书笔记 曲折、趣味。孩子在阅读时因为是旁观者,一定会觉得他们好笑,从而在轻松的气氛中理解故事的发展进程。




this story represents a very original forces, the boss is very stingy done in a christmas dream, then he changed his views and see how to use their money to help others, charity! i hate that mean the original owner, since he has so much money, but not always help others. although money is very important, to live in this world money is totally unacceptable and if the money can live a life on, let the world, more people happy, they should spend the money to, because it values. fortunately, the boss wake up later, the others will be happy to know the truth themselves happy to help a disabled child, for their family and their assistants together after a happy christmas!











the book wuthering heights told us a story about love and revenge: the abandoned boy heathdiff was adopted by mr eamshaw and lived with mr earnshaws son hindley and daughter cathiner. hindley disliked heathdiff. he insulted and maltreated heathdiff in every possible way after mr earnshaws death. at the same time, peculiar emotion occurred between cathiners and heathdiff. because of vanity and ignorance, cathiner decided to mary linton. heathdiff left with anger. three years later, heathdiff returned to revenge. he succeeded in annexing all the property of hindleys and the lintons. however, cathiners ghost pestered him all the time, and he died in mental disorder.

to understand wuthering heights, you must know the auther amily well. she had been abnormal in inentality ever since her childhood. her sister charlotte had once said that amily was even ber than a man in character, and more simple than a child. he name heathdiff was compounded by the words heath and cliff, itself gave the readers a feeling of unfeelingness, which well annotated amilys abnormal mentality.

abnormal mentality did good for inducing and enriching the imagination of the auther in some way. sometimes, amilys imagination was beyond human nature but urueasenable. that was why she could with the thrilling scene in mr lockwoods dream, the behainour of cathiner when she fell ill, and the words full of b enthusiasm but unimaginable like. they were locked in an embrace from which i thought my mistress would never be released alive.

amilys abnormal quality decided the thinking way during her creating, but her work was far from abnormal. withering heights is a healthy and harmonious work.love-hetred-ievenge-the ievival of huanan natme,that is the clue of the story cathiner and heathdiff weie a coupla of iebels against the trandition the tragedy happened all because cathiner didit iesist thoughout and betraged heathcliff at the key moment she ruined herself,heathdiff and nearty the next generation the author portraged cathiner ivth a complicated mood she sympathized with her while being angry with her and she feet sony for her while spurring to her.

the most vivid character in the story was iepresented by hindley and he could bear he was tormented by love catheters contempt and laughing at him that was what he couldnt bear that the heavy pies sure split his soul explained his cruel and crazyieuenge.the writing of the novel gave preference to mysterious phenomenon and horrible atmosphere one of the most important fealties was the complexity of the narration structure it broke away from conventions and began from the middle this method of narration was for more attractive.

among all the characters like the housekeeper allen most she was never afraid of them she always said and did what she wanted to the most important point is that she was kind hearted and justice.a good book is worthy leading for many tines withering heights is not easy to understand but once you understand it you wild wander at the talent of the author.


in a quiet and desperate life, he is far from the crowd, and the sun goes down to find the source of all decadence. it is a dusty paradise. fortunately we have a story about the little prince, sad but perfect, the little princes sadness is pure love; perfection is because of love and expectation.

because of the little princes story, we have the expectation and tenderness in the quiet life, and have the emotional and the responsibility of domestication.

"i would be the angel that you love in the fairy tale, open your hands to be the wings to protect you" is what kind of "understanding", "commitment" to love? but who really believes in the perfection of a fairy tale? if you really want to believe it, youre probably just "seeing the joy that you can see." grown—ups, perhaps still following the children, told the fairy tales, in fact, it was early to understand that "everything in fairy tales is deceitful". life has little to do with the benefits of individuality. it is just that we live to find the good for our lives. we all used to be a child, the in the mind only the desire of the simple and plain state of mind, weve obsessed with toys of the self, even if it were worn out, for us, it is still no substitute, because it is close to grow together with us before. yes, our hearts and adults are so different. our previous sadness for a lost cat, we for the blossom of a flower infinite joy, we can also be for the sake of a beautiful and chic thrilled with the butterfly, for us, this is important.

at the moment we have grown up, everything is not so simple and plain in our eyes, we will for the things of a feather mung bean jealousness borne, will be to the fame of the humble.

"the eye cant see anything, so it applies to the mind."

















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