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good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

when i was in the primary school, i have a dream. i want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. when i was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. and when eventually i got into the university, my dream was to graduate.

how pathetic! when we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic. why? why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be

ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. a hundred years ago,

people say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. and if, unfortunately, mr. reality wins this war, then i see no future of mankind at all. aids will never be curable as this is the reality; people living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this is the reality; 4)disputes among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance is the reality.

ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? please raise your hands. oh, quite a number of you! actually, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. every one of us has to make a living, right? anyway i hope your task will be accomplished. how many of you think that you have already fulfilled your dream and that you don't dream anymore? dear 5)adjudicators, what do you think? c.s. lewis once said,

now that i am a university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences. but at the same time, i have a dream deeply rooted in our future. one day, people living in the areas now 6)sweltering with the horror of wars will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment. one day, people from the rich countries are willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries

and those from the poor countries will eventually be able to make their own happy living themselves. one day, different cultures in this age of globalization will coexist with tolerance and the unfriendly confrontations among them will be 7)eliminated. one day, the globe will share the dream with me and we will all contribute to making our dream come true. one day, our dream will defeat the reality!

thank you very much.









technology is power, which is not proportionally distributed among creature. human beings and other species belong to distinctively varied categories since men grasp the strength of technology. the people with great power, driven by their greedy instinct, can easily build their prosperity upon others species' or other human-beings' suffering and torment. with high-technology, people hunt and kill cetaceans in extremely high efficiency for extra food. developed countries build polluting factories in third world countries and earn the profits thousand miles away. they invade small countries for hypocritical reasons just to exploit its natural resources. science and technology have turned this world into a dog-eat-dog wild jungle. what's worse, we barely feel guilty about the conducted evils because what we have to do is to push buttons and machines are our accomplices.

however, it is humanism that stops us from becoming complete animals. humanism made us realize the significance of living in a harmonious world and turn our spotlight on building eco-friendly industry. in the past years, we stopped killing animals for nutrition we don't need. we passed laws and regulations to protect the least-advantaged people. because of humanism, we started to consider human beings and nature as a whole and care more than just ourselves. we filled ourselves with reason, love and compassion. humanism keeps reminding us the consequence of abusing the immense power of technology and the great responsibility we undertake.

as human, we are deeply conscious of our common humanity. there is no way we can walk away without being tortured by our conscience after we did so many damages on nature or other forms of life. therefore, we modify our behavior to what we think it's humane. in this way, we gradually achieve the ultimate harmony between human and nature.

in fact, humanism has done much more than just making our conscience clear. it actually saves us from destroying our planet. we all know that we can't upset the balance of nature without a price although sometimes people choose to neglect the consequences and give in to the desire of fortune. silent spring, a very famous book written by rachel carson, revealed the fact that ddt and such chemical products could be very lethal to creatures like birds, and therefore they caused irreversible damage to our eco-system. the manufacturers knew exactly about the side effects but they chose to conceal the fact for their own interests. without the humanists like rachel carson, we will remain ignorant and eventualy face our own doom desperately.

the role of humanism is absolutely indispensable. it gives us a unique opportunity to be wise and act in ways that elevate us above the animal kingdom. it retains our humanness. it prevents the world from being destroyed because of our destructive instinct. so ladies and gentlemen, let passion fill your sails, but let humanism be your rudder.







今天我们获奖了,这只能作为对我们过去工作的肯定,更多的将带给我们更高层次的挑战。世上很少有像教师这样的职业,与民族的兴衰息息相关,我们的工作每时每刻不能有丝毫懈怠,责任重于泰山;世上很少有像教师这样的职业,承载着万千家庭的希望和梦想。因此,我们在今后的教学工作中,要始终以“狠抓教学质量”为工作中心,为下一代负责,为广大老百姓负责,为千万个家庭负责。我们要牢固树立“认真就是能力、扎实就是水平、求实就是业绩”的事业观,不断提高自己的业务素质和教学水平,努力使我校的教学成绩再上一个新台阶。让我们 以新的努力去取得新的成功,以新的成功去开拓一片新的天空。       




honorable judges, ladies and gentleman, good morning.

i want you to tell me something. whatsquo;s the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word faith, a sacred and heart-warming word thatsquo;s supposed to remind you of all the beauties and goodness of life, the key that used to keep us going when confronted with all sorts of hardships and obstacles. however, when i hear the word faith, the thing it reminds me of is so remote and intangible. in this rich and peaceful era, there arensquo;t as many disasters or wars, especially for us young people whose lives are much easier and wealthier than our fatherssquo;. so is faith gradually losing its significance in the human world nowadays?

like many of others, i used to think of faith as of no importance at all, and i deemed myself as a faithless person. i thought i can live my life perfectly fine without intentionally grasping something as my faith. until one day i met an american christian named john, who later became a very good friend of mine. john is an extremely faithful christian, and he thinks of jesus christ as his lord. he, as a pastor, tried to convert me into a christian when we first met. so he lectured me with his extensive knowledge of history and philosophy every time we hung out. in spite of his amazingly detailed description of the history of jesus, what really got me intrigued is not the story he told, instead, is john himself as probably the first and most faithful person isquo;ve met in my entire life. i can feel the sparks in his eyes when he talks about biblical things, and i am so touched by the integrity of him when he says: jesus christ is the ultimate pursuit of my life without any hesitation or doubt.

the more we got along, the more i became jealous of him, because he always seems to be joyful and optimistic. when i ask him how he manages it, he said: isquo;ve had bad days too, but i also know that god is with me. so i know that itsquo;ll all be okay. suddenly it occurred to me how lucky it is to have something you can completely put your trust into, something that will bring you strength when your mind is weak, something that reminds you itsquo;s not so bad when yousquo;re filled with sorrow, something that gives your existence significance and bring it up to a higher level. so i was literally converted, not into a christian, not into someone faithful either, but into someone who wants to be as faithful at least.

that was the first time i am exposed to the power of faith. to put it simple, your life is complete only if you have faith. you must find something important and significant in your life, your purpose, your pursuit, whatever you call it. isquo;m not saying faith must relate to religion or god. it could be anything. it could be your career goal, your children, your lover, fellowship, or a certain kind of life style, anything, as long as you dare to trust your life in it with your heart of hearts.

now isquo;m still faithless. i havensquo;t become a christian or find what matters to me most yet. but what john gave me is whole new perspective to see life. so isquo;ll strive to really feel and touch the beauty in life and wonsquo;t take it for granted. and thatsquo;s also what i encourage all of us to do. keep looking for the faith of your own, and when you do, yousquo;ll know itsquo;s all worth it.


i am an ordinary boy. i thought i had been very lonely. not a lot of love. friendship, love, family i do not seem important. i had the world on fantasy alone. cruel killer me as a lot of people. who can understand there is darkness in my heart. i am afraid, i suffer too. perhaps the world is dismal. lonely people more clearly.

maybe i'm wrong. should not go on their own have been dark. i changed. is love. friends care, parental care, i gradually realized that i was not missing anything. the lack of love found only one pair of eyes. now sometimes the love you gave me. i look very cold. is not the case. i can feel. i will be deeply in love.

i'm going to feel, feel the love. in fact, i'm not alone, i have teeth hot anxious heart. i need to feel it deeply.

recently, a friend gave me that 20xx, you what happens, i do not believe that, if true, i will fight to survive, because the fate of the master in their own hands. everything is possible. even dead, i am not afraid, because there is love.

let us begin to feel love.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
